Human Digital



해외 유명 항공사

  • 담당컨설턴트 : 선민학
  • 연락처 : 070-4878-9053
  • 휴대폰 : 010-3412-7237
  • E-mail :

사무인사 > 일반사무

업무내용 General Managing : handle multiple projects with different priorities & deadlines
자격조건 • College degree in business, tourism, or related areas

• 5 years in a sales leadership role. Airline or travel industry experience strongly preferred

• Results driven, able to handle multiple projects with different priorities & deadlines

• Ability to motivate and develop teams.

• Capable of influencing others

• Strong communication, interpersonal and analytical skills

• Able to build strong relationships and credibility with customers, partners and teams

• Ability to travel at short notice

• Fluent in Korean and English
근무지 서울
연봉 회사내규에따름
모집기간 채용시 마감
전형방법 서류전형 후 면접
지원서류 영문이력서 및 자기소개서